Professional cosmetic advice consists of two important steps: skin diagnosis (we will disappoint you - combination, oily or dry do not reflect the full picture), and the selection of products that correspond to the diagnosed type, condition and goals.

If you do not want to spend time studying the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the skin, as well as try cosmetic products from the large beauty market, professional selection can help you save time and resources.

A crucial part of the advice is determining the goals of home care. To achieve your goal, the beautician selects products and puts them together in a simple and clear routine for the morning, evening and sometimes in an extensive routine once a week.


  • You save money by avoiding multiple trial products that don't work for you
  • You get a clear and simple routine that is easy to follow every day and then you enjoy perfect results
  • We save you from the problem of choice among thousands of cosmetic products on the market
  • We provide advice not only on skin care, but also on additional treatments or advice to a doctor in appropriate cases
  • We do not write or put products or brands in our online store that we do not like, so you can be sure of the quality of the cosmetics they use
  • As professional beauticians, we can recommend cosmetics for skin with dermatological problems without any risk and incompatibility with prescribed drug therapy
  • We have extensive experience working with sensitive skin, skin with acne, rosacea, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis and perioral dermatitis
  • Our unique Text & Photo Consultations are easy to carry out, really save time and deliver the same results as private appointments
  • We won't leave you alone with your recommendations, because we work with our customers and you always have a certain support period after our service
  • All our consultants are skin care experts, so even during a free Instagram or web chat consultation you'll get high-quality advice on products and recommendations on how to use them
Private consultation with Tetiana Shalahina
Acne support consultation
Text&Photo Consultation